Where can I buy koa wood?
koa meaning
Kona coffee is Hawaii's most famous coffee. It is grown in the Kona region of the Big Island of Hawaii. The Kona region began producing premium coffee in the early 1800s. It is specifically grown in volcanic soil. On the coffee farm land, where there are old-growth koa trees, the land produces the best Kona coffee beans.

what is koa
Hawaiian woodworker Jeff Gomes uses curly koa wood to produce some of the finest natural wood products in Hawaii. Curly koa wood was naturally selected for the Hawaiian Islands because of its beautiful grain and distinctive color. However, the wood is notoriously difficult to work with because of its unique grain pattern. The wood’s grain pattern—also called “figure”—is basically the cross sections of a tree. It is extremely tight, and the wood is held together by resin, which is very thin.
Hawaiian koa wood rings
Wooden watches comes in several styles, including navy blue, black, and brown. It comes with a leather band and face. Hawaiian koa wood is prized for its naturally rich color and beautiful grain, as well as its durability. Koa wood watches can be treated to be water-resistant up to 100 meters. Most well-cared for artisan crafted, handmade wooden watches can last a lifetime and yet may be backed only by a one-year warranty.

koa wood gifts
Kona coffee is grown on the slopes of Hawaii’s tallest mountain, Mauna Kea. It’s the home of the Kona coffee farmers association. Kona coffee has been called Hawaii’s gift to the world and is grown nowhere else. Kona coffee is made from the tropical coffee plant. The Kona coffee farmers association has many certificates that annually recognize internationally award winning kona coffee brewers, growers, and farmers that have earned over the years.
koa wood rings
A rare tropical wood, koa is only grown in the extreme, moist climate of Hawaii. Hawaiian koa watches represent a rare environment that is picturesque and unique to Hawaii. Koa wood products are handmade in Hawaii and represent Hawaii’s climate and landscape. Koa wood is a hardwood that possesses unique coloring and grain patterns. It is the most commercially important species of sandalwood. The Hawaiian word koa means native, belonging, and of or relating to Hawaii. It also can be used as a name for a tree, wood, and a variety of textiles.

koa wood bowl
The koa tree, which can reach up to 25 meters in height, is endemic to Hawaii, where it grows naturally only in mountain rain forests. Today, koa trees are mostly cultivated in Hawaii, where its wood, which resembles mahogany, is used in furniture, musical instruments, and fine cabinetry.

koa wood bowl
Koa wood rings are handmade in Hawaii, USA, and have a very distinctive look. Their popularity is on the rise and with good reason. Koa wood rings are elegant, attractive jewelry pieces that look good on any finger. No matter who wears them, koa wood rings are a great conversation starter.